Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Many Days Do You Get?...

My Answer:

Well...for the past 2-1/2 weeks I have achieved 5-7 day hair.

Who cares?:

Many naturalists do, and now I do.......

It's funny because I never gave much thought about how long a hair style would last me when I had long, relaxed hair.  If my hair began to act up I would just snatch it back into a ponytail.  I probably wore that ponytail for another week or two or more...(eewwww!).   Now that I think about it, I wore a lot of ponytails and flat twists back into buns/ponytails (low maintenance). 

Now that my hair is short and natural there won't be any more snatch backs for a while.  My ultimate goal is to avoid getting caught up in that routine again. Right now, for ME, 5-7 days out of a style is pretty easy to achieve because my hair is short.  During the first two weeks of styling my hair I barely got 2-1/2 days out of my style (wash-n-go).  Initially my hair was dry after my BC.  I was obsessed about retaining moisture so I added more oils and styling products to my hair throughout the week. By the time day 3 came, and for the rest of the week, my hair was greasy to the touch. 

The hair fairies may have felt my need because they sent me a YouTube video that changed everything... How to Maintain Wash and Go for 5 Days or More "Natural Hair" by Naptural85.    Her description states," This is an easy and quick technique that leaves curls defined, detangled, and separated throughout the week."  Below is what I pretty much I got out of the video and I'm sure you have already clicked on the above link by now...LOL!
  • Spritz water into the air and let it fall gently onto the hair. (You don't want to spritz too much water and not directly onto the hair.) 
  • Place a cap over your hair.  Depending on how long and thick your hair is will determine how many caps you need to completely cover your curls.
  • Follow up with your satin scarf or bonnet over the plastic cap(s). This ensures your plastic cap(s) don't slip off while your are sleeping.
  • The next morning when you remove your scarf or bonnet, you will notice extra moisture in your plastic cap. This is the reason why you only want to spritz a little bit of water on your hair at night.  The water under the cap plus the heat from your head makes the moisture multiply as you sleep.
  • Depending on how you like to style or manipulate your hair, you already have that little bit of moisture to get you started.
Another benefit of the water, that Naptural85 mentions in the video and that I see when I do this technique, is that my curls are supple and bounce back after sleeping on them.  Without water my hair dries and mattes down to my head.  I do experience a little shrinkage depending on how much water I use.  At this time shrinkage is not an issue for me and I don't mind it. 

Doing this nightly moisturizing technique has given me the moisture I was looking for and thus lessened the need for me to add a lot of extra product throughout the week.  With that said less is more.  The less product that I have built up on my hair adds more days to my style.  I love it when I can say that I am having a good hair week.

For ME, the bottom line is...moisturizing my hair at night with water spritz helps to maintain my style throughout the week. 

Now remember, what works for me may not work for you...

My mother is a prime example.  She feels water spritzing her hair at night does not help her maintain her hair style (wash-n-go).  She told me that the water spritz pulls the curl definition out of her hair and makes it feel like mush.  Mind you, our hair textures are different so this could be a factor. Whatever the case we both tried the same technique.  I like it and she doesn't.  Again, do what works best for you.

So...How many days do you get out of your hair style?  What technique do you feel helps you maintain your style (wash-n-go, twist outs, braid outs, etc.)?  Share your thoughts in the comments. Let's do this together.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post :)

Peace & Blessings.....


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